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A flyer has been circulating on social media advertising assistance with applying for Section 8 funding. The flyer and website 'www.govassistance[dot]org' are NOT legitimate.

The scam aims to take advantage of unwitting applicants to obtain their personal information and facilitate fraud. An example of the flyer can be found here.

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Rental Assistance Resources

  • Opens new browser window Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program - This program provides eligible households vouchers to help pay the rent on privately owned homes of their choosing. The vouchers are generally administered and can be applied for through local (city) housing authorities.
  • Opens new browser window Indiana Township Trustees - Township trustees offer a variety of services and assistance. The Indiana Township Association has a listing of trustees in the state of Indiana online.

Energy Assistance Resources

  • Opens new browser window Indiana Energy Assistance - If you need assistance with your gas or electric bills, visit this site to find help in your county.
  • Opens new browser window Weatherization Assistance - If you need assistance with weatherizing a home you already own, visit this site to click on your county and find an agency in your area that can help.
  • Opens new browser window Indiana 211 Partnership - Residents around the state of Indiana can dial 2-1-1 to find help with a range of housing issues and other services, including energy assistance. Just dial 2-1-1, or visit the Indiana 211 Partnership web site to find an IN211 Center near you.
  • Opens new browser window Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor - Information on reduced-cost telephone service, tips on how to save energy, and more. 1-888-441-2494
  • Opens new browser window Energy-Saving Tips - Click on this link for some easy energy saving ideas for your home.

Buying a Home

  • Opens new browser window Down Payment Assistance and Low-Cost Mortgages - The State of Indiana offers down payment assistance and special low-cost mortgages for qualifying buyers. Check out the list of participating lenders to get started HERE. Questions? Give us a call at 1-800-872-0371 option 3, or email at
  • Opens new browser window Find Homebuyer Education Near You - Before you sign on the dotted line, protect yourself and your investment by taking a homebuyer education course. This link from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development will help you find quality homebuyer education. 1-800-569-4287
  • Opens new browser window Homebuying Resources - The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development offers a nine-step checklist for Hoosiers interested in buying a home. 1-800-569-4287

Foreclosure Prevention and Consumer Protection

  • Opens new browser window Indiana Foreclosure Prevention Network (IFPN) - Get Help & Get Hope website from the State of Indiana for troubled Hoosier Homeowners.
  • Opens new browser window Indiana Investment Watch - Find out if your loan broker is approved by the state, and learn how to protect yourself throughout the mortgage process. 1-800-223-8791 or (317) 232-6681.
  • Opens new browser window Are You a Victim of Predatory Lending? - You can file a complaint with the Indiana Home Owner Protection Unit, a division of the Attorney General's office, by clicking this link, or call 1-800-382-5516.
  • Opens new browser window Indiana Legal Help - Are you seeking legal assistance for a housing related matter? - You may contact Indiana Legal Help for help with your questions.
  • Opens new browser window Fraud Alert - A flyer has been circulating on social media advertising assistance with applying for Section 8 funding. The flyer and website ‘www.govassistance[dot]org’ are NOT legitimate. The scam aims to take advantage of unwitting applicants to obtain their personal information and facilitate fraud.

Home Repair or Modification

  • Opens new browser window Owner-Occupied Repair from Indiana Community Action Agencies - Do you need help making repairs to your home or adding improvements such as wheelchair ramps? Click on your county to find help in your area. 1-800-382-9895.
  • Opens new browser window HUD Home Improvement Database - Interested in improving or repairing your home? Use this site to find lenders, available loans, and other grants to assist you in improving your home. (317) 226-6303.
  • Opens new browser window Home Improvement Scams - If you believe you have been a victim of a home improvement scam, you may contact the Indiana Attorney General's office to file a complaint. Call 1-800-382-5516 or follow this link.

Housing Resources for Seniors

  • Opens new browser window Area Agencies on Aging Database - Find an agency near you that works to serve and assist aging Hoosiers with housing and independence needs. 1-800-986-3505.
  • Opens new browser window IAAAA Resources for Seniors - A resource page to help you find assistance with housing, health, and more. (317) 598-9300.
  • Opens new browser window Owner-Occupied Repair from Indiana Community Action Agencies - Do you need help making repairs to your home or adding improvements such as wheelchair ramps? Click on your county to find help in your area. 1-800-382-9895.
  • Opens new browser window HUD Home Improvement Database - Interested in improving or repairing your home? Use this site to find lenders, available loans, and other grants to assist you in improving your home. (317) 226-6303.
  • Opens new browser window AARP Home Financing Advice - From AARP, tips on how to safely use your home equity to repair or refinance your home.
  • Opens new browser window Home Improvement Scams - If you believe you have been a victim of a home improvement scam, you may contact the Indiana Attorney General's office to file a complaint. Call 1-800-382-5516 or follow this link.

Housing Resources for Persons with Disabilities

  • Opens new browser window FSSA Indiana Disability Resources - Hoosiers with disabilities can use this page to find local groups that can assist with housing and other services. 1-800-545-7763
  • Opens new browser window Housing Rights and Resources - This page outlines disabled Americans' rights to fair housing and provides information on finding fair housing opportunities. (317) 226-6303.
  • Opens new browser window Owner-Occupied Repair from Indiana Community Action Agencies - Do you need help making repairs to your home or adding improvements such as wheelchair ramps? Click on your county to find help in your area. 1-800-382-9895.
  • Opens new browser window HUD Home Improvement Database - Interested in improving or repairing your home? Use this site to find lenders, available loans, and other grants to assist you in improving your home. (317) 226-6303.
  • Opens new browser window Indiana Disability Resource Finder - This resource provides 24/7 access to a comprehensive range of community resources designed to improve the quality of life for individuals with a disability.

Temporary and/or Emergency Shelters

  • Opens new browser window Indiana 211 Partnership - Residents in Indiana can dial 2-1-1 to find help with a range of housing issues and other services, including emergency shelters. Just dial 2-1-1, or visit the Indiana 211 Partnership web site to find an IN211 Center near you.
  • Opens new browser window Indiana Homeless Shelters Directory - This is a statewide directory for temporary or emergency shelters. You may also dial 2-1-1 for assistance.

Domestic Violence Shelters

Shelters for Veterans

  • Opens new browser window Assistance for Homeless Veterans - A list of resources for homeless veterans looking for shelter. (317) 951-0688.
  • Opens new browser window Roudebush VA Medical Center - Serving Indiana veterans, the center provides temporary and permanent housing, assistance in obtaining benefits, and aid in finding employment. (317) 554-0278 or 1-800-827-1000.

Fair Housing: Know Your Rights

  • Opens new browser window Fair Housing Advocacy - If you need help in dealing with housing discrimination, visit this site to learn more about fair housing and how to file a complaint.
  • Opens new browser window Explanation of Fair Housing Laws and Rights - HUD's explanations of fair housing laws, which prevent discrimination on the basis of race, sex, ability, and age. (317) 226-6303.
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